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Council Finances

Darley Dale Town Council, as a public body, is responsible for its own finances.

It is required to make arrangements for the proper administration of its financial affairs, which is the responsibility of the Responsible Finance Officer (RFO) and the Council’s Finance Advisory Committee.

In the case of this Council, the Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) is the Town Clerk and a full financial summary is presented at each Council meeting. All payments, whether proposed or made using agreed delegated powers, are presented to the Council for approval.

The Town Council works within a legal framework that is specified within the Accounts and Audit Regulations.

It must ensure that its business is conducted transparently and in accordance with the law and proper standards.

Each year we are subject to an internal and external audit of our procedures and financial management. We are very proud of the fact that, for the last two years, our auditors have been very complimentary about our financial management with no suggested improvements or observations made during the formal audits.

Statutory Information

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