Below is the list of applications due to be considered at the next Planning Committee.
Click on the links below to go to the Derbyshire Dales Planning Portal to view more details on applications.
Darley Dale Lodge, Dale Road, Darley Dale, DE4 3BP
Discharge of condition 10 of application 18/00960/FUL – Erection of residential care home, conversion of Darley Lodge to form 7 apartments, erection of 3 dwellings and demolition of buildings onsite.
Garden Close, Whitworth Road, Darley Dale, DE4 2HJ
Alterations and two storey rear extension.
Sycamore Cottage, Lumb Lane, Darley Dale, DE4 2HP
Replacement of conservatory with orangery and kitchen extension.
Forest Nurseries, Oddford Lane, Darley Dale, DE4 2EX
Erection of 2 storage buildings.
Malvern, Church Road, Churchtown, Darley Dale, DE4 2GL
Single storey rear extension.
Land Opposite The Homestead, Whitworth Road, Darley Dale
Outline planning consent for the erection of 1no. dwellinghouse with approval being sought for access. (Resubmission 22/00772/OUT)