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Dales Councils Working Group

In the first meeting of its kind for many years, representatives from five local Town and Parish Councils met at The Whitworth, Darley Dale on August 8th to discuss the huge rise in traffic disruption along the A6 and surrounding roads between Matlock and Bakewell.
The group, who are known as the Dales Councils Working Group and which includes representatives from Bakewell, Darley Dale and Matlock Town Councils as well as Northwood and Tinkersley and South Darley Parish Councils, discussed some practical steps that they could take to press for improvements on issues including speeding and road disruptions. They agreed to press Derbyshire County Council and Derbyshire Dales District Council leaders to implement a list of positive actions which should see immediate improvements and give Councils and residents more say on issues that affect their everyday lives. By working together on issues that impact all our residents we hope we can represent your views more clearly and work with DCC, DDDC and other local leaders to make a real difference.
The 8 actions that were asked to be addressed urgently were:
1) An urgent review of all current and planned roadworks and road closures
to ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to keep traffic flowing.
2) Tighter scrutiny of new traffic requests with better assessment and
mitigation of their combined impact.
3) More consultation and publicity direct to residents when major roadworks
are planned, explaining the circumstances and benefits of any work. We’d
also like to see DCC’s marketing teams respond to residents’ concerns
directly through social media and other means.
4) A review and standardisation of speed limits along the main A6 between
Matlock and Bakewell and it’s arterial roads.
5) More speed checks and enforcement of existing speed limits, particularly
at busy times.
6) A review of pedestrian safety along the A6 corridor between and including
Matlock and Bakewell town centres and the installation of safe crossing
points at the most effective points.
7) Details of all S106 payments made for developments since January 2020
in any of our Council areas along with a breakdown of where the money
came from and how it was spent.
8) That we are given a designated senior point of contact at DCC highways
and an organisational chart of the department so that we can target
requests and issues more quickly to those responsible for handling them.
Please click here to see the response we received from Derbyshire County Council about the above points.
Categorized: Town Council News

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