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Darley Bridge – New HGV access arrangements

The scheme aims to improve HGV access and protect the Grade 2* listed bridge and surrounding properties.

The scheme is scheduled to be switched on next week, from Wednesday, 29 January.

Night time closure

Please note that on Tuesday, 28 January, the bridge will be closed from 7pm to 1am to ALL traffic for final works and testing of the new cameras and warning signs. A night time closure has also been booked for the following night (Wednesday, 29 January) in case any further adjustments to the new scheme are required.

A signed diversion route will be in place using the B5057, B5056, A6, Bakewell Road, Station Road. Temporary warning signs will be in place to advise drivers of the road closure.

Full details are available on One Network, click here.

The final testing works are subject to last minute cancellation due to poor weather conditions.

About the scheme

We’ve designed the scheme to reduce delays at Darley Bridge which is a pinch point for HGVs crossing the River Derwent, to help large vehicles cross the bridge one at a time.

The scheme uses a mixture of cameras and flashing warning signs on the four approach roads to the bridge to alert other road users when an HGV is near the bridge.

Sensors on seven new cameras identify large vehicles like HGVs and trigger flashing signs to warn all drivers to stop and wait on the other approaches to the bridge until the HGV has passed and exited the narrow sections of the B5057 Main Road in Darley Bridge and Oldfield Lane.

The warning signs have been installed close to the Square and Compass pub on Station Road, Oldfield Lane, at the junction to Wenslees and on the B5057 close to the Three Stags pub.

Additional information signs will inform all drivers where to wait on the approach roads while the HGV finishes driving through the area.

A new layby has also been built on Oldfield Lane to make it easier for HGVs to pass each other.

Click here to see a map showing the layout and location of the area covered by the scheme is below and attached.


Categorized: County Council News

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